Real World Evidence Studies
OrciTrials provides Real world evidence studies with quality data and insights.
Real World Evidence (RWE) studies are research studies that generate data and insights from real-world settings such as clinical practice, patient registries, electronic health records (EHRs), claims databases, and other health data sources. These studies aim to complement traditional clinical trials by providing additional evidence for the safety, efficacy and value of health interventions in routine clinical practice.

Governments, regulatory bodies, healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies are increasingly recognizing the value of Real-World Evidence in informing healthcare policy, regulatory decisions, treatment directions and reimbursement decisions. RWE studies help bridge the gap between clinical trials and the clinic, providing valuable insight into the efficacy, safety and value of interventions in routine clinical practice.
We offer services through all stages of real world evidence studies as below:
These studies analyze data collected from real-world sources such as EHRs, claims databases, and disease registries. It can be done retrospectively using historical data, or proactively by collecting data over time. Observational studies include cohort studies, case-control studies, and cross-sectional studies.
A register is a database that collects information about patients with a particular disease or undergoing a particular treatment. These registries can track patient outcomes, treatment patterns and long-term safety data, providing valuable insight into the use and impact of interventions in the real world.
CER studies compare the effectiveness of different health interventions and strategies in real-world settings. These studies aim to inform health decision-making by providing evidence of the relative benefits and harms of different treatment options for specific conditions and patient populations.
Evidence from practice can also be used to conduct health economic assessments to assess the cost-effectiveness and value of health interventions in routine clinical practice. These studies consider factors such as treatment costs, resource availability, and patient outcomes to inform medical decisions.
Safety surveillance research focuses on monitoring and evaluating the safety profile of drugs, medical devices, or other medical interventions in real-world settings. These studies use post-market surveillance data, adverse event reporting systems, or electronic health records to identify and assess potential safety concerns associated with interventions.
Pharmacoepidemiology studies use real-world data sources to investigate drug use, safety, and efficacy in large populations. These studies assess the effects of drugs on health outcomes, identify possible drug-related adverse events, and assess the practical effectiveness of different pharmacotherapies.
Quality of care studies assess the quality, adequacy and variability of care across settings and providers. These studies use real-world data to assess guideline adherence, evaluate medical interventions, and identify areas for improving the quality of routine clinical practice.